Futsal Skills Centres 2024
Futsal is a raw form of Football played indoors with a slightly weighted ball and is a great way for kids to learn to control a ball at their feet.
Our Futsal skill centre is run out of Stadium 2000 and we split into age group sessions / classes as per below...
5 age groups:
4.15pm – 5pm 5 and 6 year olds
4.15pm – 5pm 7 and 8 year olds,
5.15pm – 6pm 9, 10 and 11 year olds,
6.10pm – 6.55pm 12 and 13 year olds,
6.10pm – 6.55pm 14, 15 and 16 year olds,
Term 4 – 9 weeks
WHEN: Tuesday 15th October - Tuesday 10th December
WHERE: Stadium 2000
COST: $75.00
Please CLICK HERE to Register
If you have any questions please contact:
General Manager, Marlborough Football
Andrea Smith-Scott, Ph: 027 524 2387
Email: marlborough@mainlandfootball.co.nz
Term 1 – 9 weeks
WHEN: Tuesday 13th February - Tuesday 9th April
WHERE: Stadium 2000
COST: $75.00
*Registrations are now closed for term 1
Term 2 – 10 weeks
WHEN: Tuesday 30th April - Tuesday 2nd July
WHERE: Stadium 2000
COST: $75.00
*Registrations are now closed for term 2
Term 3 – 10 weeks
WHEN: Tuesday 23rd July - Tuesday 24th September
WHERE: Stadium 2000
COST: $75.00
*Registrations are now closed for term 3