Coaching Resources

​​​​​​​Included below are a number of refence materials which may assist in your role as coach.  These include information on how to ensure your players are safe and fit, an online coaching course for Small Whites and instruction on conducting a session

Coaching and Injury Prevention

Playing a game isn't enough to develop the fitness required for peak performance and injury prevention.  If you are not already, now is the time to start preparing your players for a safe, successful and enjoyable season.  It doesn't matter how good a player is, if they're not fit, or they get injured, they won't perform at their best, if at all!  And if one player's performance suffers, the teams performance suffers. 

For a full summary visit Coaching Smart  

Fit for Football - Warming Up, Cooling Down and Stretching

A thorough warw-up and cool-down is crucial to prepare the body for the activity to come, this time and next time.  The most important thing is to greadually increase body temperature and them to get the body into the positions it will need to adopt during play (jogging, side-stepping, skippping etc) followed by dynamic stretches (leg swings, walking lunges etc) is adeal.  Ball work and then some higher intensity movement should then follow.  build up to maximum sprinting gradually and don't let anyone take shots on goal until they are fully warmed up.

After play, some light jogging and static stretches will reduce muscle soreness later and start the preparation for the next game or training session.  For full details of the dynamic and static stretches click here

Coaching Small Whites (<13) - Online Learning Kit

The Small Whites website has lauched a Juniors Coaching Toolbox.  Explore the interactive and easy-to-follow online resource toolbox to learn how to become a more effective junior coach.

You'll learn how to to effectively coach young children through learning:

  • How players at different ages develop
  • What motivates young players
  • How to introduce new skills
  • How to manage your coaching program

Online Small Whites Coaching Course

Player Profiling

Developing a player profile for yourself or your players helps to:

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in order to assist training programme design
  • Monitor development
  • Guide the return from injury or illness for the player

There are 2 parts to a Player Profile

  • Health and Lifestyle questionnaire
  • The Fitness checkup

Ideally, profiling shoud be done at the start and end of pre-season, midway through the season and again at the end of the season. 

Coaching Pathways

New Zealand Football's coaching courses are available in three age-related pathways so that coaches can choose relevant and applicable learning opportunities that are specific to their needs.

To enquire about any of the courses available in Marlborough:

Andrea Smith-Scott - Marlborough Football General Manager 


m. 027 524 2387